Celebrating the tradition of “Made in Italy”, in a vision of simplicity chic our collections offer contemporary fashionable outfits and take of femininity with insistence on quality as point of distinction.
The concept of total look by Club Voltaire is very accurate, opting for modern and fashionable look.
We are always ready to embrace trends and new challenges, bringing maximum satisfaction to our customers. Thanks to our designers, every season we customizes the fashion tendencies, with creativity, flexibility and technical expertise.
Unique fabrics, effortless clothes that last and can transform the wearer with unexpected combinations.
Each collections is created considering the trends and need of modern, actual, stylish and confident women, who use to live in the rhythm of the city, for the younger generation, for “young at heart” and for those who enjoy every day and lead an active and dynamic lifestyle
Spring Summer 2023 unique and original collection offers an eclectic range of quality women clothing in timeless and refined style to be worn everyday. Our clothes are designed to be used in different occasion, from formal events to the most casual ones.