SARI SPAZIO SHOWROOM, one of the most important international fashion showrooms in Milan, was opened by Giulio Di Sabato in 1989. Realizing the existing opportunities in the distribution of international fashion brands the showroom signs collaboration agreements with some of the most important retail representatives in the Middle and far East. Among the emerging designers promoted by Sari Spazio at that time is Jenny Packham – the ongoing distribution collaboration with whom has lasted for almost 20 years.
Always up-to-date with world affairs and the trends within the fashion sector, in 1997 when the East Asian economy is affected by an unprecedented financial crisis, Giulio Di Sabato, quickly shifts his attention to the new markets of to the former Soviet Union counties and Russia, in particular. The contract with the luxury jeans brand Jacob Cohen is signed at approximately the same time and leads to the brand’s exceptional commercial success within the Russian market and its present growing popularity within the CIS region.
In order to address the needs and requests of the showroom’s clients, Giulio Di Sabato decides to open a showroom in Paris, with a central location on Avenue Hoche.
The brands represented by Sari Spazio during the AW 2017-18 sales season are: Jacob Cohen and Jenny Packham, Tonello and T-Jacket, the outerwear label – Esemplare, the sophisticated knitwear of Cividimi Uomo, Patrizia Pepe Uomo and President, Invicta and Armata di Mare, Vladimiro Gioia and Muusa, an eclectic mix of emerging designers and established brands that showcases the excellence of Italian craftsmanship.